Mis?Adventures in Watercolor-Glass Vase

There was a watercolor shown in 'The Tao of Watercolor' by Jeanne Carbonetti that really struck my fancy. It was a glass vase of flowers, but the artist didn't present it as an exercise. I returned the book to the library, but I kept thinking about that painting, and finally decided to have a go at something similar.

I haven't had much success with mixing my Koi watercolors on the palette-I may have to make charts *sigh*. So I decided to use pure color and mix only by glazing one layer over another.

I did well enough, that I'm going to do something more serious--really figuring out where my light is coming from and how the reflections will fall. This was a nice warm-up, just getting an idea of how the paint work. I've ordered some M. Graham watercolors (made with honey! And made here in my home state Oregon, too). I think I'll do the next using those colors.


  1. Very nice, Sandra! Looks like you're having a lot of fun with your watercolors.

  2. Thank you! It isn't very good, but it's okay for a starting 'sketch'.

    I'm getting involved in way too many things lately, lol! But I haven't abandoned zentangle!

  3. Good start! You could make it more attractive by leaving some white spaces, using complementary colors, having a balance of bright and dark regions and colors, using the least number of washes (for minimizing discontinuities), avoiding washes getting muddy etc. And of-course, using better brands of colors.

  4. Thank you! I did have more success as time went on. I need to get back to doing more watercolor. I've been caught up in other media because of commitments.


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