My tangle pattern Tri-Me

This pattern was drawn in one of Geneviève Crabe's Tangle Organizers.  She is having a giveaway and I wanted to be sure you knew about it.  You can find out more at  her blog.

For some reason, I was a bit unfocused last night.  Hubby has been on vacation, which disrupts my routine, so that may have been it (that's my story and I sticking to it!).  At any rate, this pattern was meant to be an exercise in using 'lacy' bits to add interest to almost any pattern.  I meant to show it used in several ways in the example.  However, I lost focus, and realized I hadn't used except as shown in the pattern. *sigh*  I'll do up some more examples this week.

Although, I've shown this as border, the Tri-me tips work almost any place that you have a  regular indentation.  Just one set of Tri-me tips won't add a lot (though it can help), but if you have a pattern with a regular in and out flow, adding those three little tear-drop shapes can add an eye-catching delicacy. 
