Rhodia Journal Swap--L'il Monsters

I sat down intending to do one of my typical Zentangle®-Inspired-Art works.  Then Nessie the sea monster popped up, and then Bessie, the mutant chicken.  And Chessie, the Cheshire cat and it all went downhill from there.

I don't know where these critturs came from.  Really, I don't.

And so you don't have to turn your head at a 90-degree angle, I'll show you the post sideways, in case you can't find some of the critturs.  Even then you might have to look closely.  Critturs like to hide in plain sight, don't you know.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW!

    That was the only thing I could think when I saw this piece this morning. This is amazing!

    You are such an inspiration to me, your newsletter is the first thing I read in the morning as I drink my first cup of coffee... it's become a ritual over the last year or so.

    Thank you for being here and doing what you do.

  3. Great work. I love the intricacy and myriad of patterns.

  4. That Cheshire cat character definitely occurs in Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass. (I'm sure you poured over those drawings as a child - I still remember the horror I felt watching Alice crouch at a fireplace while her neck got longer and longer!). I love the association of these creatures. I'm still looking for the mutant chicken (though I have my suspicions), and who's the guy you smuggled in???

    1. I'm not sure who the guy is. He's a gate crasher that just showed up! All of the critturs sort of 'happened'. I didn't plan any of them, lol. I'm always surprising myself.


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