Oregon Coast Tangles #zentangle #zendoodle

Another of the photos I took last year was in Gold Beach, Oregon.  This was one of the pull-outs along the coast highway.  I think it might be Cape Sebastian but I'm not sure.

Please feel free to copy and use this string for your tangles (or this photo as reference for your artwork).

Going with a completely abstract look, I came up with something that looks more like the fields on a farm than the ocean, lol!

Hmmm. My attempt at a more landscaperly (hoo! I've created a new word, I think) ZIA is still pretty abstract.  I may come back to this one later and try again.


  1. hi Sandra ,I like your way of using lines in pictures as your string. I have pictures from out of a hotair balloon. I must trie this methode with some of those soon. thanks for another great idea.

    1. Thank you! Hot air balloon pics would make for a great string! I hope you'll share the results!

  2. The second version is very beautiful!!! You created a world, not only a word!!!


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