The Last Gleam of Daylight #Strathmore #NegativePainting #Watercolor

This week, I'm dredging up some paintings that I wasn't very happy with at the time I did them.  Sometimes, I've found if I just set the piece aside for a month or so, and look back, I'm  less critical of them.  But there are always some that just don't do it for me, even though I may like certain elements of the painting, making it worth keeping for reference.

I know everyone runs into this kind of problem, so I thought it might interest you to see the pieces I'm ambivalent about, and how I end up dealing with them.

This first is based off of a photograph I took during a plein air session at a Fransican Villa in Bridal Veil, Oregon.

We were studying the negative painting technique in class at the time, and I wanted to see if I could use it for these flowers. I like the background foliage, but I was hoping to catch that glow I get when using these warm color.

I think rather than working further on this one, I'll start fresh and do a whole new painting.

I know I painted this on Strathmore Aquarius II and I believe the colors are Phthalo Blue, Indian Yellow and Transparent Pyrrole Orange, but I'm not positive about that.  I may have been using Gamboge and a red rather than an orange.
