Winter Sunrise #Watercolor #WorldWatercolorGroup #Strathmore

Another sky done in watercolor class.  I used a triad of Winsor Newton Cobalt Blue, Permanent Rose, and Lemon Yellow, but couldn't get the dark values I wanted so I added a mix of Burnt Sienna, and French Ultramarine Blue.

I used a bit of torn masking tape to block out the white for the sun, but didn't get it down well enough.  My energetic brush knocked it off and I lost my white.  I used a little acrylic white to restore it.  Technically, that makes this a mixed media.

I kind of wish I'd used Blue Indanthrene instead of Cobalt Blue so I could get a darker overall tone, but I guess this just gives the appearance of being later in the morning.

Approximately 9 x 9 inches, painted with a Silver Black Velvet 3/4 inch Oval on Strathmore Imperial cold press paper.
