Grove Fun and Easy Landscape Step-out #FunAndEasyLandscape #Step-out #Inktober #Zensations #Hahnemühle @ZebraPenUS

I could have added another step or two to this step-out and done a border and some of the interior design, but I wanted you to see the bare bones.  And then to experiment.  Add little triangles, loop-de-loops, crosses, circles.  See what happens.

As you can see in the variations, your grove can consist of three or four trees in a fairly small forest, or you can expand and build a forest that takes up a whole section of the page.

In its bare bones version, Grove is a good background detail that adds some interest without stealing the show from your focus.  It isn't likely to be your main focus, but add some detail, and it can become a secondary point of interest.

Be careful about adding too much detail to your Grove, if it is directly behind your main focus.

This drawing done with Zebra Sarasa Fineliners on Hahnemühle Watercolor Postcard

Fun & Easy Landscapes step-outs, step-wiselys or step-by-steps are posted every Friday!

For a full list and links to Fun & Easy Landscape Step-outs, Step-by-steps, Step-wiselys and guide rules go here.

Want to share your Fun & Landscapes or find prompts and challenges? Join the Fun & Easy Landscape Facebook Group here!

At the end of each week, Zebra pens will select a winner to receive their new Zensations line of products, including tools and utensils specifically made for artists like you!  (sorry, North America residents only)
The rules are simple:
  1. Create a drawing
  2. Post it on your social media accounts
  3. Hashtag it with #inktober and #zensations
  4. Repeat this each day through the month of October.
