Got a zentangle kit? Would you tell me about it for a review?

I'm intending to do a review of the Zentangle kit, and I'd like to hear from people who have used them.  I'm interested in knowing what you liked or did not like.  Please let me know what level of experience you had before starting to zentangle.  This isn't to judge your answer, but to help me break down my review for beginners, intermediate and experienced artists. I feel each will get something different from the kit.

Thank you for any help you give me.


  1. Thank you Rose. I already knew quite a bit about zentangling by the time I got the kit, but I still found it a thrill. It's such an elegant way to keep your art supplies!

  2. Aloha,
    I stumbledupon and was fascinated by the process developed by Rick and Maria. My husband purchased the kit for me as a Christmas gift. I am an artist of the spirit who practices Hawaiian string figures and creates art for healing. My approach to Zentangle was first of all as a moving meditation. I was not focused on creating a masterpiece but instead looking for the healing that Zentangle brings. I have shared this process with others and found that Zentangle creates a sense of self confidence in people who did not think they had the skill to be an artist. I have immersed myself in using Zentangle as part of my healing practice and have enjoyed the simplicity and quality of this healing ritual.


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