Spotlight on the tangle 'Floo'

Revbyrd left a comment on one of my patterns asking for a simple example of the tangle pattern 'Floo'.  She explained that she and a friend both had far different ideas of what 'Floo' is.

My suspicion is that both she and her friend are both correct in their vision.  Floo is one of the simplest, yet most flexible of tangles.  It's one of the 20 patterns that you get in the Zentangle kit, and as far as I know, no one has posted the steps online. 

At its most basic Floo is a series of curved lines ending in a dot, then surrounded by an 'aura'.  Intersections and open space are often darkened, either solid or with lines.  That doesn't sound fancy, but it is capable of becoming one of the most intricate and elegant of tangles.  In case, you haven't realized, I really, really like Floo!

I'm incapable of doing anything 'simple', but hopefully this example will help.  As you can see, there is a lot of room for variation.  A couple more of my zens that use Floo extensively are Mordred  and Rubber Ducky.


  1. Yes! (I win!) Thank you so much! I really, really like your example. What a joyful Zentangle!


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