New Tangle Pattern Moebius & Weekly Challenge

As many of you know, this week Linda Harms' Weekly Challenge #55 " is String Theory v. VIII: Moebius Trip. She has chosen this because her son Artoo suffers from  Moebius Syndrome and  Moebius Syndrome Awareness day is January 24th.

I thought rather than using the Moebius strip templates she supplied, I'd go a step farther and create a Moebius tangle pattern.  

I won't kid you--it isn't one of the easiest patterns to do.  But I thought that was fitting--tangle patterns are usually meant to make us relax, but I think this one should make us think how it must be for people who struggle to do the things we take for granted.  With a little time and a little care, you can do the pattern.  With a little time and a little care, you can help others less fortunate.

Here are some tips that might help with the tangle (look at the steps as you read or you'll just go 'huh?'):

Step 1: Try to make the triangle even on all three sides.
Step 2: Try to make the extension lines equal in length, and don't 'hook' them.  They should go out straight in the same direction as the line they extend from.  If you wish, draw three dots where the lines should end, to help guide your eye.
Step 3: Start at the outward tip, and draw toward the triangle.
Step 4: The two tips added to the right, should mirror the left.  The left tip added should be short and slant inward.
Step 5: You are creating the inside spaces of the Moebius strip.  Try to keep them about the same size and shape.
Step 6: You've created the strip!

Now, look at the Moebius strips I created in the example.  They are not perfect.  I didn't achieve what I recommended in the tips.  Those tips are meant to help not be hardfast rules.  Don't worry about creating perfected Moebius strips.  Instead, look at what you've done, and be thankful you were able to do so well--many people could not.  Really think about that!  How wonderful is it that you have the motor functions to draw, the vision to see, and a fantastic Zentangle community that is so sharing and loving.  Love those Moebius strips you just did!  They are proof of something wonderful!

I almost forgot. Thanks to Linda Farmer's Tangle Guide, I know which pattern I used. Two new ones that were not on the guide--Jonaathan Baetens' Meo & CZT Margaret Bremener's Yuan.  From the guide: CZT,Christina Vandervlist's Agua; JJ LaBarbera's Arc Flower; Chris Gerstner's Archer; CZT Linda Farmer's Bateek; and the Official Tangles Ambler, Beelight, Beeline and Betweed.


  1. Thank you for simplifying the pattern. I was using a graphite pencil to darken the lines then transfering that onto a tile. I will give this a try. Thanks.

  2. well aren't you the clever one....I really appreciate the time you took to make this a tangle lesson too, thanks. You're just too cool.....and thoughtful to remind us of our abilities when others aren't so blessed.

  3. Very nice done! For me english is somethimes difficult to understand what is written. Artoo has a mobius syndroom i could not find information in dutch so now i understand more!
    Now i am exersizing english! Perhaps I find this evening time to make the mobius!

  4. Beautiful!
    Thanks for the tutorial!

  5. Thank you Sandra for the pattern. I spent a long time yesterday trying to figure out an easy way to make a pattern and never succeeded. Beautiful!

  6. Thanks for posting the steps to the moebius!

  7. I wish I would have had your steps before I drew this on my made it so much easier, thanks! While I would love to take credit for the beautiful tangle Agua, that is the lovely CZT Sue Jacobs tangle, not mine. Your work is beautiful, as always!

  8. Thank you all! I hope you won't find the tangle too difficult.

    Sue, thank you for letting me know that I'd assigned Agua to the wrong person. I've edited and fixed that.

  9. What a great idea to create the Moebuis tangle from the logo. This is wonderful, as always!

  10. Wow, I'd wish I'd seen this before I did my own tile. Very nice instructions. Lovely, as usual.

  11. i can't wait to 'suffer' through your terrific tangle....when you do it, it's symmetric anf full of grace....beautiful. Thanks for the lesson too!

  12. Very nice deconstruction......makes something difficult , a pleasure. Good job! Maria

  13. Hi Sandra, I've only just come across this lovely tangle today (it would have been really helpful had I seen it earlier :)) Of course, I didn't read your tips first, but I quite like the lopsidedness of it. thank you for breaking it down and sharing with us.


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