My tangle pattern Tri-It

Okay, the title of this post says 'tangle pattern', but I'm not sure this is, exactly.  It's more of a technique.  I got the idea while playing with Koolapopper.

You start with two touching triangles pointed outward.  Then you add two more triangles that are slightly offset, and you keep doing this.  Then you bisect each triangle and make 1/2 darker than the other half. If you add each new triangle toward the inside of previous triangle, you come back full circle.  If you add them toward the outside, you meander all over the page.  If you make the triangles big enough, you can use them as sections (strings) to put other patterns in.  You can make the half darker by simply shading one side, or you can add other tangle patterns.

I should shut-up and just let you look.  It's easier to see in the example than to understand with reading.

So, in essence, this 'pattern' is just drawing touching triangles.  What you get from it is all about how you place and point the triangles.  And honestly?  You could do this with any geometric figure--circles, squares, ellipses.

Awesome, huh!

So--Try-it!This was drawn in a Rhodia 'R' Pad with Micron Pigma Pens.


  1. This is just awesome, especially the part with the black beads.
    Is there some influence from Vi harts doodling in math-class blog? see the part about triangle-party.You used it in a fantastic way.

    1. I love vi harts and doodling in math class. My iPad is having fits right now so this may not come out right....I love this blog too I never miss life imitates doodles when it comes in my mail. lOVE it!!!

  2. I'm aware of the video (and it is awesome!), but I've been using geometrical influences in my tangle patterns for a long time. A couple of my very earliest patterns were based on Sierpinski's Gasket & Carpet.

    Ever so often, I like to come back and explore the very simple shapes-it's amazing how much you can do with them.

    1. Yes, you are right about the simple shapes and I admire you ability to make beautiful tangles with them.

  3. this is fab, rather mathematical but chaotic. It seems like you and 'vihart' are brain-connected. Just luv this - molly z.


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