Journal52 Week 32 Prompt: Perspective #Journal52 #Watercolor #ArtJournal

This is a bit of a cheat.  I'm using it as my response to a Journal52 prompt, but it is also Day 7 in my 10-day watercolor a day journal.

I saw that the latest Journal52 prompt was Perspective.  I've been wanting to do a winery landscape just for the purpose of practicing perspective (not one of my strong suits).  So in my 10 day watercolor journal, I chose to fullfill both purposes by painting this picture.

I used Quiller watercolors - Cadmium Yellow Light, Permanent Green, Phthalocyanine Green, Ultramarine Violet,Permanent Orange and Magenta.  The journal is filled with Strathmore 500 series Aquarius II watercolor paper.  I used Silver Black Velvet brushes -- 1 inch flat, 3/4 cat's eye and no. 6 round.

I was trying to stick with paintings that I could do in half an hour or so, but I'm finding that it is hard to do. I love Ultramarine Violet for shadows, but it is a weak color, and requires several glazes to get proper values. And every time I do a glaze (a wash of color over color(s) that have dried) I see something that needs a little fixing.  *sigh*  This painting, in particular, really did need fussing because of the complex perspective.  The sun is coming in from the back at an angle and the rows are sloping down to the back and to one side.  It took me a while to get it even close to right.

The reference photo was one I found at
