Golden Pheasant - Week 45 of 52 Weeks of Watercolor Birds #WorldWatercolorGroup #52WeeksOfWatercolorBirds #Watercolor

I'm getting barn shy, now that I'm almost to the end of my 52 Weeks of Watercolor Birds, and trying to bring them in early.  I'm pushing and painting when I'm not really into it, and I think it shows.

For that reason, I decided to go easy on the back ground for this one, and just let the colors of the bird shine.  My reference photo ( from the Morguefile archive) didn't show the feet or much of the tail, so I had to fake those from another photo, and only did a so-so job.    I think I'll come back later and try doing a Golden Pheasant again later, when I'm more in the mood for it.

Done using a mix of Winsor Newton, Sennelier Ultramarine Blue, Sap Green, M Graham and Daniel Smith watercolors.

This bird was done in the Global Art Materials Field Watercolor Artist Journal Hand Book, 7 by 10-Inch that I'm using for the '52 Weeks of Watercolour Birds'.
