Thank you, Fab, for the awesome gift!

Thank you, Fab, for the awesome gift! My husband came running to see what I was squealing about when I opened the package.

Recently, I received the coolest gift from one of my Twitter/Facebook friends.

He sent me this beautiful handmade card (he makes the most fabulous cards!), ...

...and this List book ...

... and a novelty pen of the London Clock Tower (or is that the Elizabeth Tower now?)

The list book is coming in so handy for keeping track of all the step-outs and tutorials I'm doing up for my fantasy landscapes.

It contains two list pads, sticky notes and sticky tabs.  They are all a standard size, so you should be able to replace them once they run out.  Though I may turn the book panels into an art journal afterward. It's the cutest thing, and 'll be buying one or two to give as gifts myself.

The list book can be bought online at Paperchase USA or Paperchase UK.  I could only find the pen on the U.K. site though.

Fab posts a Twitter newspaper on crafting and all sorts of resources for beautiful card making.  You can follow him on Twitter here.

Thank you, Fab! You made my week.
